Food Services
Welcome to CCS Food Services!
We are thrilled to serve our students nutritious and delicious meals. We ensure your children receive healthy fuel for each day by abiding by the nutrition standards set forth by the National School Lunch Program (NSLP). Participating in the NSLP also assists us in providing meals at the most affordable price, even with the inflation and product price increases we have been experiencing.
We are pleased to serve a delicious salad bar and fresh fruit every day and a weekly dessert day. Students are welcome and encouraged to come back for seconds on the salad bar at no extra charge. We are committed to continual improvement and development of new recipes our students will love, such as freshly baked breads and new desserts.
This year we are thankful for God's provision of a strong team of staff ready to serve our school. We hope you find this information helpful regarding food service at CCS. If you have any questions or concerns, please contact us at any time.
Summer Food Program
CCS does not offer a Summer Food Service Program. To find a location near you that does, click here.
Lunch Menu
Sunday | Monday | Tuesday | Wednesday | Thursday | Friday | Saturday |
Hot Lunch French Toast SticksBacon, Egg, Cheese Scramble or Bundle Options Hashbrown Yogurt Fruit Salad Bar |
Hot Lunch Walking Taco orBundle Options Refried Beans Fruit Salad Bar |
Hot Lunch Popcorn Chicken orBundle Options Waffle Fries Fruit Salad Bar |
Hot Lunch Papa John's Beef Pizzaor Bundle Options Corn Cookie Fruit Salad Bar |
No School No School
Hot Lunch Waffles & Sausage Linksor Bundle Options Hashbrown Yogurt Fruit Salad Bar |
Hot Lunch Soft Chicken Taco orBundle Options Black Beans Fruit Salad Bar |
Hot Lunch Chili orBundle Options Fritos & Cheese Cinnamon Roll Fruit Salad Bar |
Hot Lunch K-5 Early DismissalLunch served to Gr. 6-12 only. Chicken Nuggets Mashed Potatoes Dinner Roll Fruit Salad Bar |
No School No School
No School No School
Hot Lunch Baked Ziti orBundle Options Green Beans Breadstick Bosco (Gr. 9-12 only) Fruit Salad Bar |
Hot Lunch Chicken Strips orBundle Options Mashed Potatoes Dinner Roll Fruit Salad Bar |
Hot Lunch Papa John's Cheese Pizzaor Bundle Options Honey Carrot Coins Cookie Fruit Salad Bar |
Hot Lunch Pig in a Blanket orBundle Options Baked Beans Chips Assortment Peach Crisp Fruit Salad Bar |
Hot Lunch Bosco Sticks & Marinaraor Bundle Options Corn Fruit Salad Bar |
Hot Lunch Orange Chicken orBundle Options Teriyaki Noodles Fruit Salad Bar |
Hot Lunch Cheeseburger orBundle Options French Fries Cookie Fruit Salad Bar |
Hot Lunch Chicken Fried Steakor Bundle Options Mashed Potatoes Dinner Roll Fruit Salad Bar |
Hot Lunch Mini Corn Dogsor Bundle Options Baked Beans Chips Assortment Apple Crisp Fruit Salad Bar |
Bacon, Egg, Cheese Scramble
or Bundle Options
Salad Bar
Bundle Options
Refried Beans
Salad Bar
Bundle Options
Waffle Fries
Salad Bar
or Bundle Options
Salad Bar
or Bundle Options
Salad Bar
Bundle Options
Black Beans
Salad Bar
Bundle Options
Fritos & Cheese
Cinnamon Roll
Salad Bar
Lunch served to Gr. 6-12 only.
Chicken Nuggets
Mashed Potatoes
Dinner Roll
Salad Bar
Bundle Options
Green Beans
Bosco (Gr. 9-12 only)
Salad Bar
Bundle Options
Mashed Potatoes
Dinner Roll
Salad Bar
or Bundle Options
Honey Carrot Coins
Salad Bar
Bundle Options
Baked Beans
Chips Assortment
Peach Crisp
Salad Bar
or Bundle Options
Salad Bar
Bundle Options
Teriyaki Noodles
Salad Bar
Bundle Options
French Fries
Salad Bar
or Bundle Options
Mashed Potatoes
Dinner Roll
Salad Bar
or Bundle Options
Baked Beans
Chips Assortment
Apple Crisp
Salad Bar