Central Christian's all-school theme for the 2018–2019 year was "Rooted and Built Up in Christ," based on Colossians 2:6–7. Because of this scriptural theme, much of the high school choir repertoire that year referenced roots or trees. Therefore, when Mrs. Huck realized that the choir would sing around the Survivor Tree at the Oklahoma City Bombing Memorial, it seemed to fit perfectly with the theme! While planning for the Oklahoma trip, the choir was given the opportunity to sing at Toby Keith’s OK Kids Corral, a multi-family temporary home for kids who are undergoing cancer treatment. As Mrs. Huck prayed about how to prepare the hearts of our students for the trip, the idea for The Tree Story book began to take shape. Several students including the author, Valerie Weis, and illustrators Riley Davis, Bailey Nachtigal, and Brook Nisly, all collaborated to self-publish the book. The book was read aloud by the author and then gifted to the kids at OK Kids Corral.
Although all the student collaborators have graduated from CCS and we've moved through years of all-school Scripture themes, the message of The Tree Story remains a testament to how God can redeem devastating circumstances in our lives for the sake of others.